Hope Groups

We believe in biblical community.

Hope Groups exist to provide a biblical community for each member of Hope Fellowship Church. Biblical community is a group of people who meet together so that they may saturate their lives in God’s Word and mature together by faith in Christ in all areas of their life. God's Word is necessary for spiritual growth because the Bible is God-breathed and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness to equip us for every good work (2 Timothy 3:16-17; Hebrews 4:14-16). And God has made us for community, to grow together in knowing and obeying God (Ephesians 4:15-16; Hebrews 10:24-25). Centering our Hope Groups around reading and studying God's Word together will be life-changing for every group member.

sunday On-site hope groups

Our on-site Hope Groups meet every other Sunday from 5:30-7:00pm at the church, with childcare provided. Our spring semester of Hope Groups begins January 12, 2025.

Andrew & Stephanie Summers

30’s, 40’s and 50’s, Couples, Families, and Singles



Men’s Group, 30’s-40’s

Wes & Anna


30’s, Couples, Families and Singles

Chris & madison sullivan

20’s, 30’s, Couples, Families, and Singles

Elizabeth Benton

Women’s group. 20’s, 30’s and 40’s

jeremy & katiria hillsman

-20’s-30’s, Couples, Families and Singles

Matt & Jenny


40’s-50’s, Couples, Families and Singles


We have several on-site Hope Groups that meet throughout the week with no childcare provided.

Marc lewis

-Men of Hope, open to all men

-Meets at Hope every other Saturday at 7:30am

Lynn McKinney

-BETTER TOGETHER Women’s Group, 50+

-Meets at Hope every other Tuesday at 6pm

Mark Guthrie

-Men of Hope, open to all men

-Meets at Hope every other Thursday night at 6:30pm


Chris & Tara


- Parents of Teens, Couples and Singles

- Meets at Hope every other Wednesday at 6:30pm

Off-site hope groups

We have several off-site Hope Groups that meet in homes throughout our city.

Jordan & Megan mayton

-20’s, 30’s, Couples, Families, and Singles

-Meets every other Thursday at 6:00pm

Tim and Nancy yates

-Empty Nesters, Couples, and Singles

-Meets every other Sunday at 6:00pm

lloyd and becky lynd

-Empty Nesters, Couples, and Singles

-Meets every other Sunday at 6:00pm

Marty & Susan


-Empty Nesters, Couples and Singles

- Meets every other Wednesday at 6:30pm

d-ray and lynn mckinney

-Empty Nesters, Couples, and Singles

-Meets every other Sunday at 5:30pm

Kent & Shawnah Shingleton

- College age, Young Singles (18-22 years old)

- Meets every other Sunday at 6:00pm

troy and lina asher

-Empty Nesters, Couples, and Singles

-Meets every other Wednesday at 6:30pm

Adam & Vanessa McKeown

- 40+, Couples, Families and Singles

- Meets every other Sunday at 5:30pm

jared & emily minnix

-20’s, 30’s, Couples, Families, and Singles

-Meets every Thursday at 6:00pm


Need help choosing a group?

Complete the Group Finder form, and our team will reach out to you to answer any questions that you have, and help you join a group.